Wednesday 8 December 2010

cross dresser questionnaire..

this is basically a questionnaire i found on the internet, it explains most things you would think of asking so i thought id put it up for abit of extra info!

Drag queens - sometimes known as female impersonators, drag performers, or drag artists. A drag queen is a person, usually a man, who dresses (or "drags") in female clothes and make-up for special occasions and usually because they are performing and/or entertaining. The term comes from Polari, a subset of English slang that was popular in some gay communities in the early part of the 20th century. Drag meant "clothes", and originated from Shakespeare's time when only men performed live theatre.

Gender Dysphoria is unhappiness with your given sex or sexual identity. There are mild to severe cases of Gender dysphoria. Many people will experience some form of Gender Dysphoria at some point in their lives.

What Is A Pre-Op/Post-Op/Non-Op Transsexual?
These are all transsexuals in various stages of the procedure. A pre-operative transsexual is someone who has begun the procedure to reassign the sex, but has not had the surgery. This covers people who have just begun the procedure to those who are very close to the actual surgery.
A post operative transsexual is someone who has had the actual genital surgery done. It is very difficult to tell a male/female post op transsexual from a genetic female.

What Is A Transvestite/Crossdresser?

This word has a few different meanings. In it's purest form, transvestitism means "Cross-dressing". However, many people make a distinction between dressing for sexual stimulation (transvestitism) and dressing for stress relief (cross dressing). Many people use the words interchangeably.

There are many different categories of transvestitism. There are female impersonators, who dress as members of the opposite sex for a show; there are Fetishistic transvestites, who are stimulated by certain objects; there are drag queens/kings, who dress with the intent to amuse or offend; there are shaman who cross-dress during religious/spiritual ceremonies; there are transvestites who dress only for an hour a week; there are transvestites who live almost full time as women or men.
There are people who present extreme clashing male/female characteristics (Such as a bearded man in a miniskirt and heels). Extreme gender clashes are used by females quite often.

What Is An Intersexual?

An intersexual is a person who is born between (inter) sexes, having partially or fully developed pairs of female and male sex organs. There are roughly 80 types of intersexuality known.
Intersexual is preferred over the word "Hermaphrodite".

What Does Transgendered Mean?

Transgendered was a term put into general usage by Virginia Price. It originally meant a pre-operative transsexual who has no desire to have the SRS. It later became a catchword for transvestites, transsexuals, female and male impersonators, drag queens/kings, Intersexuals, gender dysphorics, and those that do not fit any gender label.

What Causes The Urge To Crossdress Or To Change Your Sex?

There is a great deal of debate in the medical community as to what causes transsexualism and transvestitism. Transsexualism is thought by some to be caused by a area in the brain called the "Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus". Others claim that it is caused by a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Some types of transsexualism (xx-xy syndrome) are genetic.
The two main types of Transsexuality are called "Primary" and "Secondary" transsexualism.
Primary transsexualism occurs in young adults who are gender dysphoric from very early childhood.
Secondary transsexualism occurs between the ages of 12 and 20 and is thought to be linked to hormone changes in the body at that time.
There are also cases where people are forced into alternative sex roles due to religious, social, or family pressures. Some men dressed as women to avoid draft or get out of the military service. Very religious male homosexuals may feel the need to change their sex in order to correspond with their religious beliefs. Parents may dress their children in clothing of the opposite sex because they wanted a child of that sex.
Transvestitism has no definite cause. F-M crossdressers sometimes cross dress because it feels more comfortable than male clothing. Female cross dressers are much more accepted than male cross-dressers.
M-F transvestites crossdress for stress relief, sexual pleasure, and for entertainment. Male crossdressers are not very well accepted in society. One possible reason for this is that a crossdressing male is going down the social power scale, while a crossdressing female is going up the social power scale.

Can Transgender Urges Be Changed?

Usually, no. Some transvestites and transsexuals (usually male) go through phases where they throw out all their clothes, makeup, shoes, etc and refuse to dress as women anymore. This is called "Purging". These people frequently go out and purchase entire new wardrobes soon afterwards (called "Binging"). Some people do stop crossdressing altogether

Is Everyone Who Wears Opposite Sex Clothing A Transgenderist?

No. Many people wear clothes of the opposite sex daily and are not considered transgendered. Men who work in very cold conditions routinely wear pantyhose, as it helps keep in the heat. This is an accepted practice in such professions. Many women wear men's clothing on a daily basis, saying that they are more comfortable and cheaper.
Some men wear silk panties because they are allergic to cotton underwear.
There are many reports of Men wearing the full-body wraps worn by muslim women in the middle east. This enables them to conceal guns and explosive devices and to smuggle them into restricted areas (muslim women are not searched as often as men are).

Where Can [TG's] Go To Get Clothes, Shoes, Makeup, Etc?

There are many sources of clothes and apparel for transgendered people. Most department stores offer catalog shopping, which will give you the chance to purchase what you want without fear of embarrassment.
Mail order firms are best left avoided. Some Transvestite mail order boutiques are grossly overpriced and prey on the transgendered community.
Sometimes, a young lady will offer her services to purchase clothing, makeup etc for a price.
Shopping for that 'special someone' always works. If you are worried that the cashier will catch on, go during a busy time. Christmas is a great time. Makeup companies such as Avon, Mary Kay, etc will be more than happy to sell to a transgendered person. Again, this depends on the area, but most salespeople will put sales ahead of their own feelings towards transgenderism


1 comment:

  1. things to think about!

    'Transsexualism is thought by some to be caused by a area in the brain called the "Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus". Others claim that it is caused by a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Some types of transsexualism (xx-xy syndrome) are genetic.'

    'Male crossdressers are not very well accepted in society. One possible reason for this is that a crossdressing male is going down the social power scale, while a crossdressing female is going up the social power scale.'

    oh actually, going back to the first point, did you ever watch that program with John Barrowman when he tried to find out why he was gay?

    oh and i totally agree with the second point!
